
Christmas Sock

Yesterday is Milzon's Christmas party and we had so much fun in there. There are many cool games and fun activities held in the said event. Anyway, each student is required to bring this Christmas Sock filled with candies. It is like the ticket for the event. Milzon has to show this Sock in order to be admitted. We made this cool project the day before the Christmas party. Here's the procedure.

To start, we need plastic cover, ribbon, and the sock-shaped pattern.

Cut a pair of sock out of the plastic cover. Make use of the pattern to make the shape accurate to each other.

Sew the two socks together using the ribbon. Make use of the big-holed needle!

Then add some details....

Then start filling up the sock with candies!!

The socks that will be collected here will be given to the street children as a part of their charity works... Well... that's all for the good cause!!!
Happy Holiday!!!
We are about to attend the Lantern parade today...will buzz about our own entry for this lantern parade, the costume that Milzon has to wear and the main event as well... Chow!!


  1. You guys are just so creative. That is lovely and i bet the party was a lot of fun.

    Thanks for joining in on the Christmas celebration. I added links to both of your sites!!

    Happy day to all!

  2. OMG, this is so creative! I can't believe you can sew the 2 plastic together, that must require very delicate sewing skill! You are awesome(from the bottom of my heart)!

    Wishing you an advance Merry Christmas!


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