
The Rabbit Lantern Parade.

Here's the most exciting part! The Lantern Parade!!! The parade is divided into three category. the first is the Rabbit Lantern (open for preschoolers and elementary students); the Second is the Star Lantern Parade (For High School) and the last one is the "Bangenge" Parade (open for everyone). Will discuss about the Bangenge soon..

The Rabbit Lantern is open for all Elementary students. All Elementary students were gathered from different schools. It is actually an individual competition and at the same time it is also a schools competition because at the end of the parade, the winner entry for the Lantern Parade will be declared so as the Best School presentation. Each school has their own gimmick. See the MRES in milzon's t-shirt? (you can also check it here). The MRES Stands for Manuel Rojas Elementary School and this is the school where Milzon is in. Mirasol and I were from here too!

Here's Milzon and our Rabbit Lantern Entry.
Aside from the T-shirt, each students from MRES are required to wear this cute rabbit head gear. Actually Milzon hates it because it is too girly LOL

And so here he is!!

Here's one of the Rabbit Entries. I like this one because it was neatly done however since they The rabbit is not actually a lantern because they didn't put any light on it and since they paint it with gray, even they put lights inside, it will not be as translucent as the others.

See the Pink eared Rabbit? So cute isn't. By the way, the big girl on the front is Milzon's Teacher. Ma'm Naneth.

Mom made it on time!

Milzon again!

The closer look.

See that girl in the middle? She's Eliza and guess what? She's Milzon's crush haha and we used to tease him on that girl.
I love this entry. The owner of these two rabbit are twins so they make twin rabbits too! Haha actually i noticed that the girls are wearing the same clothes and shoes. So cute!

The twin Rabbits at a closer look.

Some of the kids took some Ice cream break while their on the parade.. Mommies are so busy taking care of their kids too.

A furry rabbit

Another look to our Rabbit Entry.

This one looks so scary but done very creatively. Look at the improvised Wheels....

Speaking of scary, we saw a giant Rabbit Lantern too!It will definitely swallow the kids whole LOL

Oh my... it was very detailed... I must salute whoever behind this rabbit.

Giant rabbit at the closer look.

Okay we're done with the Rabbit Parade. I will post about the Star Parade in my nxt entry so as the Bangenge Parade.


  1. cool nice stuffs that even small children can do on their own =)thanks for sharing!

  2. wow! 1st time to know bout this event! :D very interesting indeed!

  3. those rabbit lantern all looks pretty amazing! i dnt think i can do it! lol

  4. Wow...this is really cool. I have never heard of it or seen one.

    It looks like so much fun. Milzon is of course the cutest!!:-)

  5. Where are you anyway? I miss you. I just got up my post!!

    Surprises await!:-)

  6. It's very late i will be headed to bed very soon...but, last time I checked Marzie hadn't made it over!!:-)

  7. Gee whiz my hubby was sick all day and I am so far behind.

    I have no clue how we are going to get everything done.

    We have to do more shopping, pack and leave day after tomorrow for our Christmas with our kids.

    It's a 9 hour drive. Then when we get there I still have to put together my post for the Christmas Celebration.

    I must have been nuts when I thought of all of this. Well, I have always been a little nuts!

    When under pressure we just have to move faster and work harder huh?

    Gotta go...Happy day to you BD!

  8. Ang gaganda namn ng mga rabbit lanterns! Very artistic ng mga gumawa!


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