
my lazy last monday


i finally went down to my very last Monday at my company...
well i do have so much fun having company with everyone....

but i had to admit as my time get so close to my last day...
i got lazy and lazy everyday...well i know i dont have so much to worry about my plans since we had noemi in the team
she's the one who's going to replace me as a Pile Encoder..
well since we had her and since i was just acting as her back up to help her in some special cases
she may encounter ...i still felt so laze.....

i will miss evrything here at this company ...for sure
have a great monday evening to evryone



yes you heard it right......
we had our shaky Saturday afternoon as the earthquake attacked us.....

we felt it twice and it was such a great experience

although most of the staffs are scare since we are working in the third floor

gheeeh have a great day to everyone

a rainy overtime


Last tuesday...we just had our Over time since we do have lots of plans to we dont have any choice but to have an OT....

we spent 2 additional hours of working and after that....unexpectedly the rain fell out..

its started with tiny drops until heavy rain fell simultaneously ...

gheeeh well thats a great experience though!!!

have a great day to everyone

11 days countdown


Many staffs had left the team and unfortunately its my turn now!!!!

you heard it right i got only 11 consecutive days left until my contract in this company ends up...

so i am going to give all my best to enjoy this 11 days of working and mingle with others.....................................................

so long guys!!
signing off



sorry for my latE post

well im here to update you about what happended on recently held "sportfest"

The sportfest held very successful... its all about the battle between the two team
"green titan" versus the "orange spartan"

my team belongs to green titan.....

we started the event with warming exercises.. followed by lighting up the traditionally held in any sport festival....

we entered the gymnasium at Cavite State University where the event was supposed to start...
they begin with the lovely muses then followed by the most awaited one "the cheer dance"... where in my checker "sonny" was one of the cheer dancer....
the competition begun with the orange spartans then followed by our team titans.. they started it so awesome and entertaining compare to the first group... it was quite obvious that they are much well choreograph than the other team.... and in the end the winner was the "green titan"

after than we took our "am snack" ,,,,then we went out to go to sir Leonel's house as for the late celebration on his birthday (i think)

we had so much fun there..despite of that long hours of travel just to rwach their house..
we ate, we sang, they drunk??? hehe....

here are some flicks

"the lover's in CSU"

"the celebrities??"



last friday our team went out to rocki'n off some party
we went to a place they called GST??
i wasnt so familiar with the exact name but just dont mind it
maybe i was just to excited due to this was my first time to go out with them

we started off with our meal which i admit those foods are simply perfect especially as "pulutan" lol
then they started to throw some jokes which made up the party not so bored
they teased each other so as the sexy servers haha

and ma'am Mitch together with sir Tiu started to sing a duet song in the video oke
then followed by ma'am Che
then Ma'm May and his boyfriend make a duet song followed by the others

if you think evrybody will be serious as they were singing well here's a jolly guy who ruined and broke up the silence
as he hold up th mic and dedicated his song to our Former Team member Ma'm Aquella

see how Gervie enjoy and get so serious with his novelty song lol

its not just Gervie who reigned off the stage but here's another guy who make as laugh and laugh..its Azriel who sang hahaha
well we enjoyed and i enjoyed every seconds ive spent there

i may not be as jolly as them but deep within i really had so much fun with this team

hopefully our upcoming Sport fest offered us much fun

have a great blogging day!!!