
Currently seeking for a new Job!

yes after my five consecutive months working at HRD, now I'm seeking for new opportunities.
I'm currently looking for a new job that may suit my resume.
And it was so tough for me to get a new job especially that I'm pursuing a call center industry.It wasn't that too easy for me to get into it due for so many process that I'm going to undergo with.
It was my first time to apply in a call center and I'm wasn't that sure that i can make it through.
Its hard for me to compete with all other professionals and all other well skilled call center agents.
Well Do i really have what it take to be a call center agents?Do i have the guts to be in this kind of industry?
Sometimes, i just want to be an Optimistic guy.I just want to look positive in all the things I'm going to make.
Well failures will never break me down.Failures will never be the hindrances for my success
Perhaps these failure will be a challenge for me to become more competitive and more productive in my work as well
I will never be discourage i know that God always have many plans for me, if Call center career wasn't for me well maybe there still other opportunities waiting outhere for me to discover
have a great day