
Know how to read

Michael try to read a book

trying badly

Mike saw michael...

get it???

try very badly

An Artist was Born

An Artist was born...
My lil bro drew this Superhero thing. He was fond of creating his own hero characters.

Have a great day and Happy Fathers Day to our Dad



Michael Jordan juast had his visit to meet our Little Buddies

Meet Kelvin

Meet Kelvin

Kelvin is the cuddliest and youngest among the four Pandas
He's so childish(yes he is) he loves to play with everyone even insects and cockroaches. He loves to get dirt and very polite and kind

Meet Mike

Meet Mike

Just Like Michael Mike is a Jolly and a very playful Panda. Though he thinks more matured than Michael. Mike is very studious and he's always curious in anything. He loves to discover new things no matter how extreme or harmful it was. Mike and Michael are very close to each other.

Meet Mikey

Meet Mikey

Mickey is second to the eldest (next to Michael). He is the complete opposite of Michael. Mikey is quite and prefer to be alone. His not that playful but he's very kind and responsible to his younger brothers. He tends to protect his siblings and fight for them if necessary.

Meet Michael

Meet Michael

Michael is the eldest buddy among all the four Panda. he's very Playful, jolly and so childish despite of being the eldest. He's always the center of attraction due to his extreme naughtiness.
Notable trait for Michael: The Only panda who do not have nose.