
Summer Fun

We really had so much fun yesterday as my family and i all went to a Resort to spend our Summer Vacation. It is once in a life time opportunity. We took advantage of the Holy Week to relax and free ourselves from the stress brought to us by our work and studies. Both of my parents are too busy for their work so i guess they just deserve a rest like this. We packed our things the night before our trip. We woke up 5 am in the morning to prepare everything. My mom started to cook our meals for our trip while my sister prepared a breakfast for us while my mom is busy preparing our foods. My dad checked his car to avoid any problems while we're in the middle of our trip. I packed my things and make sure that i didn't forget anything.
After 3 hours of driving, we finally reached our destination. It is a beach resort that has swimming pools inside. We've reserved our cottage and our room because we will stay there over night. We really had so much fun. here i took some photos while i am on my room.
Have a great Summer Everyone! Happy Blogging!

Creepy Hall way

I just went to visit my cousin in a hospital when this place creep me out. there's nothing extraordinary but it is somehow creepy. I don't know what's on my ind and i bravely took some photos of the place.. whew thanks God i caught nothing.

Prescription or Non-Prescription

Do you consider wearing non-prescription eyeglasses? For me, wearing non prescription eye glasses is a big no no. Vision is something that we should take very seriously. Wearing non prescription may be cool and inexpensive buy abusive usage of it, as if you wear it very often, can harm your eye which may result to a poor eye sight. Most of us think that buying non prescription is advisable especially if you will just use it occasionally. We think that we will just waste our money buying prescription glasses knowing that most of us thought that it is very expensive. Now, let me prove you wrong. Who said prescription glasses are expensive? Well, in some stores, it may be, but not in Zenni Optical. Zenni Optical has Lowest Price Progressive Glasses online and considered as The #1 online Rx glasses store. I’ve been an avid customer of the shop and so far, they never failed me. They got awesome eyeglasses with great and colorful designs. You can also purchase prescription eyeglasses for as low as $8. Actually, according to Eric’s Review of Zenni Optical, you can save much many in buying new eyeglasses from Zenni Optical than spending much in repairing a broken eyeglass. You can visit and see what the site has to offer for you.