

Panama is well known for its cool summer beaches.It's been a dream to me to visit that place and witness some cool and great places like the white sand and the crystal clear water beaches. Actually, i had a dream before that i actually book a flight to Panama. Anyway, once i step in Panama, the first thing that i will do is to get a space to stay in before touring the place. Actually, i have heard that there are what so called Rentas Cortas de Apartamentos en Panama or apartments for rent . It is said that they are much cheaper compare to hotels. despite of being cheaper, the facility offered by these apartments are very satisfying and not way too far from luxury hotels. and then after that, i will now start touring the place and will bring a camera with me. Well. i know it is impossible to happen as of this moment but i am still hoping that it can happen in the near future

My Uncle's Farm

My uncle has a farm and we try to visit them once in awhile especially during our school vacation. e really had so much fun staying in his farm. He got lots of poultry animals like chicken, pig and cattle and he also teaches us how to feed them.He also got different kinds of root crops and other vegetables like cabbages, spinach and more. I wonder if he's also using led grow lights to grow his plants. Anyway, me and my brothers are so excited to visit them again this coming holiday vacation.

Australia's Best

It's always been a dream to me to visit Australia. Well, mainly because i have relatives there and i want to meet them in person. I also like to tour and visit some of the country's great and wonderful places. We still keeping in touch with our relatives there via email or online chatting. They usually share some of their experiences in the country like seeing kangaroos and koalas and more. I am also quite interested with their lifestyle. Actually, according to them, there are really no big differences if you will compare it to our lifestyle here in the Philippines. Anyway, i am still happy that we can still keep in touch with them despite of very long distances. Just like yesterday, when i had a chance to chat with my auntie. She actually mentioned that she just called for a Carpet cleaning Brisbane service to help her out cleaning their carpet which is quite dusty already and it's been a month since the last time she cleaned it. Well, i wish we have that kind of service too here in our country to make our work a lot easier.

How to make Drafting Table For Kids (part 2)

Cut a piece of plywood and pattern it to the side.

Nailed it on both sides.
Prepare two hinges
Screw it in the inner portion of the table to make it less visible outside
Tasah! Were Almost done
Make the surface smooth using sand paper.
Also, prepare a two piece of wood (about 1 inch wide) and nailed in on both ends.

Here's now the finish product.

And for the finishing touches, make use of Varnish.
Tadah. Were done with our drafting table.

Here's the outer part.
Here's the inner case.

Making a Small Drafting Table for Kids (Part 1)

Before we start with this project, we have to sketch first our plan.

I have here a piece of wood from our old Computer desk.

Scrap woods (excess from the recently done house renovation)

Now, let's begin. Since we have the materials already and we're done planning the drafting table, we have to cut now the wood in our desired size.

First, we have to cut down the legs of our table. Cut two pieces of wood and make a slant cut on one end of each wood (more or less 30 degree)

Cut again 2 pieces of wood with a height smaller than the first pair.

Just make sure you cut it smoothly and angled it correctly.

Using a long piece of wood. (about 24 -26 inches). Connect the two legs using nails of course.

Do the same thing to the other (smaller) pair
Here's how it looks like
Now connect the two pairs of legs by placing a wood on each side.

Now cut a small piece of plywood and nail it at the bottom.
Here's our top view.

Also place a small wood at the back of the longer legs to serve as "brace"

Will post the continuation in my next entry