
Halloween Head Gear : Bloody Knife

If you enjoyed our first project, this one is more interesting. We will be making Halloween Bloody Knife Head Gear. To start with, we need used Aluminum foils, head band, card board, a small piece of illustration board, glue gun and a red paint.

From the card board, draw a knife. Make it big like a cleaver knife. The handle of the knife should not be so big since we will be tapping it with illustration board later on.
Cut the outline.

Draw an arc patterned to your head band.

Cut the arc and cover the knife with aluminum foil. The aluminum foil will make our project more realistic as it provides a glossy effects like a knife's blade. Now using an illustration board, draw a handle like figure of a knife and cut it out. Paste it on the handle part of our project.

Using a glue gun, attach the knife on the headband.

To make it more spooky, paint the lower portion of the knife.

Tadah! we're done with our Bloody Knife head gear.

To make it complete, match it up with a ragged shirt or or an old or faded formal attire. Put some make up and that's it!



  1. Oh NOOOO!! It's very nice... but it's also drap dead SCARY! AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!(holding my cheeks)

    LOL! have a nice day and a splendid weekend!
    p/s: Our project for this week is 'Buddy Robot'.^-^

  2. This is SOOOOOOO awesome Milton :D I'm featuring all 3 of your Halloween crafts in my blog on the 27th October :)

    Thank you.


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