
Be Like Wall E!

I'm sure you are all familiar with "Wall E"! I just love this film not just because they are animated and they are cute but also because of the message that they are to deliver to their viewers. The film is very inspiring and there are some tear jerking moment too! There is also a scene on this film where Wall E recycled those garbage he collected and if he finds something interesting and valuable, he store it inside his house.I think that scene tells us that everything in this worlds has its purpose even those tiniest thing that you usually ignore. I think this is also the idea why there are shops like that Auto Wrecking Seattle that collects reusable items from a junk car and sell it on a very low price. This is such a great example of resourcefulness and aside from turning those junks into something useful, buyers can also benefit from it since they can purchase these dismantles spare parts on a very low cost. How about you what is your most favorite Wall E moment?

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