
Merry Christmas Celebration

This is the continuation of my Merry Christmas Celebration post on my Bluedreamer's Top Five. This time, i will be sharing all the gifts that Mirasol and Milzon has received last December 25.

Tita Thess gave him this glow in the dark glasses...

Got Sandals...

and flip flops too!!

He got this foldable chair from Auntie Joan

of course i bought him this Play Doh set...

Mirasol got these cool pencils

and a sewing kit too!

Happy Holidays..

Insuring Your Car

Everything is very unpredictable and you can never tell what will happen in the near future. Just like what happen to my uncle who became paralyzed after a horrible car accident. We are all in shock as we heard the news from our relatives and we went to the hospital immediately. I really felt pity for him and I can feel how hard he’s going through right now. But what makes me more pity is when I found out that he receive no beneficiaries and any support from the company he was working with and even from the government. He paid all the hospital bills using his own service. If he only applied for something like life insurance, there will be nothing to worry about the hospital expenses. And if he only get something like the auto insurance Vancouver WA services, he could at least do something for his car. IF he only knew that applying for an auto insurance is as easy as counting numbers, he should have done it on the first place. But again, the damage has been done and right now, he undergoing series of therapies and medication for his immediate recovery

The Bangenges

Here comes the high light of the Parade. Bangenge are like giant mascots. They are purely made out of used papers. The Bangenge parade is open for all who is interested to participate. Here are the Bangenge entries for this year's Lantern Parade.

A dragon?

Tinkerbell is the best Bangenge for me... It was neatly done and it's very cute too..

An alien i guess.... Just don't know where anime this character came from..

It's Pong Pagong (Pong the Turtle), the main character from the Philippine adaptation of Sesame's Street

We first thought that this is Pikachu from Pokemon but according to these kids.. it was actually a Koala bear..

Four Arms from Ben 10

Cute Little Spongebob..

Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy


Spider Man

I love this one too... it's Monkey D Luppy from anime One Piece

Cactus From Plants Versus Zombies

Alien from Ben 10

Cockroach from the cartoon Ogie and the Cockroaches..

The Star Lanterns

This is the part two of my Lantern Parade post. We're done with the Rabbit, now let's head to the Star Lanterns. High school presentation wasn't that nice compare to what elementary students did. It seems that they didn't put some efforts for the parade. Unlike when i was in high school, my batch did some cool presentation. There's also a Giant Lantern Parade where in all high school students from different school should present a giant lantern made out of recycled material. As far as i remember, we make use of the empty sea shells to make a giant lantern. Anyway, i took some photos of this year's Star Lantern parade.

Representatives from Cavite National High school. Simple transparent lantern with some glossy metallic papers hanging on them.

Students from Saint Joseph had a creative presentation of their lantern. They make use of Poinsettia and place it on the center of their lantern and then they put some garlands around it.

Chinese Paper lanterns

Pineapple lanterns?

The holy Family Representation (Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Angels and the Three Kings)

Angels busy talking to each other..

Closer look to one of the angels... Love the Wings..

Some wore Christmas Outfits like Santa Claus

The boring presentation of San Sebastian. Plain blue Star Lantern... nothing really special

I saw a bird, a plane... no it's Superman!!!

Oh and Batman Too LOL

Look at this little girl striking a post

The Opening of the StarLantern Parade

Here's a glimpse of my next entry..... Will be posting about the Giant "Bangenges"

Gift For his Special Day

My father will be celebrating his 41st birthday next month and I am planning to make it something very special to him. To be honest, my dad and I were not in good terms last year because of some personal issues but we were able to solve it earlier this year. And since I failed to attend or even greet him on his birthday last year, I want to make this event very remarkable to him. Actually, I hit the mall last week to find something for him. I went to the men’s clothing department but I realized that he has too many clothes so it wasn’t that very ideal to buy him some new clothes. I stopped by at a jewelry shop and found some stylish and elegant looking watches there. I saw a lot of watches that will definitely suits my dad’s taste. I am sure that he would love to have that Blancpain Le Brassus model for his birthday. It’s quite expensive but I’m sure it’s truly worth it knowing that an authentic watch like Blancpain is known for having high quality and being highly durable. They are very stylish too. Actually, I want to buy one for my self too but my budget will not be enough to shoulder two watches… Maybe next time! By the way, I also saw a site that offers the same kind of Authentic watches, you can check it on and see what else the site has to offer… Chow.

Christmas Wish List

Hi guys, since we only have 8 days left before the much awaited Christmas, I guess it is the perfect time for me to make my own wish list for Christmas. Well, Again, this is just a wish list so meaning to say, there is no assurance that I will get all of them this year. But I hope so….
Anyway, here’s my wish list…
1. I want to receive a special signature shirt from my Auntie who is working abroad.
2. I hope mom and dad will replace my old and bulky desktop into a brand new flat screen monitor.
3. I wish that my Uncle James will send a special Rolex Watch to me. I just went online yesterday and had a chance to see some cool and stylish Authentic Rolex watches over And now I want to have one. I chat with my Uncle early this morning and asking me what would I like to receive this Christmas and I told him about the watches… I just wish he could send one to me.
4. I wish everybody is in good health and I wish we are all complete this Christmas celebrating the Christmas Eve.

Well I know Christmas is more than just buying and exchanging gifts. It is more than just any material things… We have to keep in our mind that we celebrate this very special occasion to pay tribute to the day when Jesus Christ was born.

The Rabbit Lantern Parade.

Here's the most exciting part! The Lantern Parade!!! The parade is divided into three category. the first is the Rabbit Lantern (open for preschoolers and elementary students); the Second is the Star Lantern Parade (For High School) and the last one is the "Bangenge" Parade (open for everyone). Will discuss about the Bangenge soon..

The Rabbit Lantern is open for all Elementary students. All Elementary students were gathered from different schools. It is actually an individual competition and at the same time it is also a schools competition because at the end of the parade, the winner entry for the Lantern Parade will be declared so as the Best School presentation. Each school has their own gimmick. See the MRES in milzon's t-shirt? (you can also check it here). The MRES Stands for Manuel Rojas Elementary School and this is the school where Milzon is in. Mirasol and I were from here too!

Here's Milzon and our Rabbit Lantern Entry.
Aside from the T-shirt, each students from MRES are required to wear this cute rabbit head gear. Actually Milzon hates it because it is too girly LOL

And so here he is!!

Here's one of the Rabbit Entries. I like this one because it was neatly done however since they The rabbit is not actually a lantern because they didn't put any light on it and since they paint it with gray, even they put lights inside, it will not be as translucent as the others.

See the Pink eared Rabbit? So cute isn't. By the way, the big girl on the front is Milzon's Teacher. Ma'm Naneth.

Mom made it on time!

Milzon again!

The closer look.

See that girl in the middle? She's Eliza and guess what? She's Milzon's crush haha and we used to tease him on that girl.
I love this entry. The owner of these two rabbit are twins so they make twin rabbits too! Haha actually i noticed that the girls are wearing the same clothes and shoes. So cute!

The twin Rabbits at a closer look.

Some of the kids took some Ice cream break while their on the parade.. Mommies are so busy taking care of their kids too.

A furry rabbit

Another look to our Rabbit Entry.

This one looks so scary but done very creatively. Look at the improvised Wheels....

Speaking of scary, we saw a giant Rabbit Lantern too!It will definitely swallow the kids whole LOL

Oh my... it was very detailed... I must salute whoever behind this rabbit.

Giant rabbit at the closer look.

Okay we're done with the Rabbit Parade. I will post about the Star Parade in my nxt entry so as the Bangenge Parade.