
Milzon's Periodical Exam

It's been a week since i am away from my blogs because Milzon is taking over my computer. Well, not because i am letting him use the computer all day but because we are preparing for his upcoming periodical exam. Actually we are both preparing for our exams but i chose to teach him first before reviewing my notes for my upcoming Final exam this February. Milzon took his exam last yesterday and we're all excited about the results. We took one week of reviewing him. I even downloaded some online tutorial software for it like the Math quiz and Spelling Bee.

Mathematics is Milzon's favorite subject and he was able to answer those question with no ease.. I am so proud of him Woohoo!
Wanna see how serious he is while taking this online math quiz??
Hahaha! And he didn't want to be disturbed by any!

He might be good in Math but not in English especially in spelling and reading. Thanks God his Teacher provided them this Reading material which is composed of 30 pages. 15 pages for his Filipino subject and the remaining 15 is for English. The English part contains Dolch Word List which help Milzon to get familiarized with those words that cannot be illustrated like "about, after, before, and more...". Tomorrow is the result day and I am more excited than Milzon haha.
Anyway, while Milzon is taking my throne over my Desktop, i am enjoying myself playing some computer casino games on my laptop. My lappie is not connected to the Internet so i really have no choice but to deal with my computer games to at least keep myself away from getting bored. I had fun playing this Super Vegas Blackjack but i wish i could play Casinos online which is more exciting than this. It would be great if i will be opposing online real players than the computer generated opponents right?

But of course, i better start reviewing for my upcoming Final exams first before playing such games. And as soon as i'm done with everything, i will definitely play them all day long and do all my online activities too! Wish me and Milzon a good luck guys!

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