
More Crafts, More Games, More Fun!

We've been making Art works for almost 2 years and in behalf of my siblings, thank you for all the support that you've been giving to this blog all through out. We still have 3 more projects to share for this month and after that, we're planning to unwind for awhile. It doesn't mean, we are going to stop making art projects, it's just that, we are planning to try something new.
We're planning to do other fun activities but of course, we will still share some art works from time to time. Mirasol will be the center theme next month and she will be making projects that are dealing more about sewing and embroidering. She's currently practicing how to make useful crafts out of the things that is almost considered as trash.
My art projects will be featured this coming March and they are all related about electronics. Milzon on the other hands will still be showing up but will not be as often as before. But of course, i am trying to fix everything especially my busy schedule.
What are the things that you have to expect next month? Well, we're planning to have some fun activities like simple magic tricks (with video of course), and some treasure hunting games for Milzon and his friends. I started to formulate some creative treasure hunt clues for them and i did some research online too. If i am not mistaken, the last time that we had this treasure hunting Game was last Easter Sunday. We will be making more creative stuffs in the next succeeding months so please watch out for it.
That's all for now, Have a great day and happy blogging.

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