
Social Wedding!

This is probably the most luxurious wedding i had ever attended. Its Ate Carmela's wedding and we were very lucky that we are one of the invited guests. What makes this wedding remarkable? You'll find out as i tour you to the wedding venue. The place looks very stunning and very unusual setting compare to any ordinary or typical type of wedding ceremony. I can say that this is my dream wedding!
The church is located on the center of this wide grass fields.

Look at the very stunning altar!
Now see the view from the exterior. The wedding reception was held at the same venue and we got a chance witness this spectacular ambiance.

Here's my super cute niece, Patricia who's also the flower girl.

Ate Heidi with his escort walking at the isle!
Here comes the bride.

Cousin Ichan, Auntie Thess and Mrs. Orcino.
I failed to witness the arrival of the bride but i got a chance to see this elegant looking limousine outside. It's like one of the luxury cars i saw at Limo Portland Rent-a-Car services online! I wonder how much did they pay to rent such an expensive car like this!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh~! The bride or the groom's family must be filthy rich!!! Such luxurious wedding... I've yet invited to any(perhaps not in this life, lol), that's very lucky of you!^-^

    Wishing you a splendid weekend!
    p/s: Did you snap the food?


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