
Treasure Map

This month's theme is actually more of the art crafts related to St. Patrick's Day. So expect more art projects that are related to Leprechaun and clover leaves. Definitely we are going green this month in celebration of Saint Patrick's day. Well, when we're talking about Leprechaun, we used to relate this guy to pot of golds and treasures. We are actually planning to have a treasure hunting activity. I think it is a great idea so that Milzon and Mirasol could try something new other than creating art crafts. I remember when i was a kid, my older cousin used to play treasure hunting game with us. He used to make treasure map and hid some clues all over the house. We only have to follow what is being instructed on each clue until we reach the place where the treasure is hidden.
The first art craft that i will be sharing this month is an improvised Treasure Map.
To start, we simply need a bond paper, color pencil, marker, and a candle.
This map is just a simple representation and is not the map that we are using for our treasure hunting game next week.

Draw all the landmarks or place where you can find the clues.
Draw the arrows pointing toward the place where the treasure is hidden.
Put the red "X" mark as the major clue that tells where exactly the treasure is.
Now light up the candle (don't let the kids do this), and burn all the sides of the bond paper. Just be careful not to burn the whole paper okay!
Here's the finish product. The burned sides will provide an "old looking" effect for our treasure map.
To make the treasure map look old, you can do this trick. Just get 2 teaspoon of powdered coffee and mix it with hot water.

Now paint the coffee mixture to the bond paper. Spread the brush evenly. Crumpled the paper a little bit to make the old looking map more realistic.

So here you go!
Have fun with your treasure hunting game.
Speaking of treasure hunting game, i discovered a website few days ago about metal detectors. I didn't know that there are people taking this treasure hunting seriously. In fact, there are courses and training offered to provide basic tips and ideas on how to become an effective treasure hunter. I find this XJ9-3050 quite interesting because according to the site it has a very high frequency that can detect treasure metals easily. Interesting right?


  1. Now you all can have fun starting treasure hunt already!

  2. First time in your blog, very cool map creation. now lets go treasure hunting then


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