
I Want a Shih Tzu

I took this photo while i was jogging early morning yesterday. I really want to have a doggie like this. It's hairy and i can comb her everyday. I think this is a Shih Tzu! I had a Shih Tzu before though i failed to take care of her and she passed away too soon. I have learned so much from that incident and i promised myself that it will never happened again. I promised to become a responsible owner to my pet and will do all my best to provide them the best proper care that they really deserved.
If you have or if had a Shih tzu before, I'm sure you know how sensitive they are and how demanding it could be to take care them. They do not like hot temperature and you have to turn the air conditioner on every time just for them. They are very sensitive to high temperatures indeed and they will experience difficulty in breathing once exposed to high temperature so long.
They need to be groomed in a regular basis too. Their fur tends to grow so long and you have to comb, cut or clip their hair to make them feel more comfortable.
You should take them to a well trusted Vet like that Vet Tacoma in Washington. They are known for providing high quality veterinary care with excellent and state of the art facility that each customer will enjoy. You can visit them at and see what else they can offer for your beloved pets.

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