
Importance of Taxes

Some of you might be wondering why almost all of us are required to pay taxes. What are these taxes for? Why are we responsible for paying them? What are the benefits that we can get from it? I'm sure you also asked yourself about these questions before. Many people complain about the need to pay taxes but they don't realize the services and the benefits that they get in return for paying such taxes.
Keep in mind that without these taxes, our Government will be useless. The fund that they get from these taxes are being used by the Government for them to function effectively. Without these taxes, they will never get enough fund for their infrastructure projects. Without those infrastructures, you will never experience the enjoyment in driving. Same thing goes with other building projects including the construction of bridges, dam, public schools , hospitals and more. These taxes are also being used by our Government to pay government officials and employees which includes public teachers, doctors, and more. They are also being used to improve other services and other charitable programs.
See? Taxes are very important and as a citizen of your country, you are responsible for paying your taxes. Although these taxes have exemptions. It depends upon your income too. The higher your income is, the higher the tax you pay.
Filing taxes is very important because if you failed to file your tax and pay them in time, then you might be subjected to civil penalties. In my case, i am lucky because it is my employer who file and pay the taxes for me. They used to deduct it on my salary which is very hassle-free in my part. The only thing that i do is to check if they are paying it on time. But of course, not all companies are doing the same thing. Some require you to pay and file your own taxes. Good thing we can now do this transactions online. In fact, there are some
free tax filing services offered in some reliable sites like This is definitely the most convenient and faster way to pay your tax.
Well, let say you can't pay your income taxes due? What are you going to do? This is where Tax Extension comes in. You can actually request for file tax extension to give you additional time to file and pay your tax.
So for those who keeps on complaining about their taxes, please see things as a whole and know where these taxes are being used and how much you can benefit from it as the citizen of your country.

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