
Tee Bag

Remember when i mentioned about the upcoming whole month theme for Mirasol where in she will showcase her crafts to us? I am so proud to share you guys, one of her lovely crafts. You all know that we love recycling things and this is one of her finished project! It is a Shoulder bag made from used T-shirt and scarf.
So lovely isn't?
My sister is into this new hobby now. She's doing a lot of embroidering, sewing and cross-stitching lately and she is grabbing this opportunity to share her projects to us while spending her Summer vacation. It seems that she is enjoying it a lot. Anyway, Mirasol did a lot of bag crafts but this one is my personal favorite. I think what she did here is that, she cut this Sailor suit inspired shirt into half. Then she took the upper portion of it and start sewing it to form a bag. She used the black and white checkered scarf as the bag strap. Since the shirt is very colorful already, she didn't add any details to it except that two wooden buttons.
So cute right? Actually she did something like this before but instead of T shirt, she make use of old faded pants.

This hobby will showcase your creativity and can also be a source of extra income. This is a great idea for full time moms who wants to extra earn money at home. However, if you plan to take it seriously, then use high quality materials to it. And to add more value, add some details like Swarovski beads for the outer designs. Just like this photo that we grabbed from the web.
So lovely isn't? Swarovski crystal beads are highly in demand today and has been widely used in so many kinds of accessories and jewelries. Placing this kind of beads on your bag will add more beauty and elegance. But if you think, adding Swarovski into a used shirt is such a waste, then why don't you try something else out of it.
I have a cousin who make Swarovski Jeweleries all by herself. From Earings to bracelets! Name It! She can do it all using her tools. She used to buy Swarovski crystals on a trusted dealer and then she simply use of her creativity and imagination to come up with different styles and designs. She used her finished products for personal and business purposes. How creative of my cousin right? In fact, she is encouraging my mom to try making Swarovski jewels too especially now that Swarovski beads can now be purchased online which is more convenient and less time consuming however, mom really don't have that interest in craft making so she refused haha.
Anyway, hope you like our featured project today. I will buzz more about Mirasol's upcoming Theme soon. We are just gathering all the photos that we need.
Have a great day guys and happy blogging.

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