
Introducing "Our Little Corners : Reloaded"

So how do you find the new look of Our Little Corners? Today, i will tell you what's "Our Little Corners : Reloaded" all about and how does it differs from the previous one.
Well, here are some of the things that you have to expect in our New Little Corners.

More Crafts! Yup! We are all set to do a lot of crafts to share with you guys. Some of the lined-up projects are the improvised Board games, the boxhead people, the superhero inspired art projects and Mirasol's Stich crafts. I will also share some crafts for teenagers or adults like me.
Drawings! Milzon, Mirasol and I will also share our drawings from time to time. I will also create a short comic strip every month! So please watch out for it.

PAINTastic Friday!
Paintastic Friday is a new portion here where in Milzon will use the Microsoft Paint Application and will share some of his creative artworks every Friday!

Little Buddies! Before the concept of "Our Little Corners", we once had "Little Buddies" for this blog. Little Buddies are our Panda Stuffed toys namely Michael, Mikey, Mike and Kelvin. I will discuss more about Little Buddies and Friends soon. I will introduce them to you before the end of May.

Reading, Spelling, and More! Just like what i said, I will make this blog more educational so starting June, i will share you all the things that I teach to Milzon from English Reading, Spelling, Math, Science and more! I will also provide some tutorial tips on how to teach your kids effectively. Also, we will have some quizzes to measure Milzon's progress.

Cursive Writing! I am not good in cursive writing but since Milzon will hit Grade 2 this year, i have to teach him in advance and we have to practice how to write Cursive letters properly.

Mad Science! All about science Projects and experiments for kiddies. I got a book here so I'm sure your kids will enjoy this fun learning experience.

More Friends! Aside from Milzon and Mirasol, we will be inviting some of their friends too to join us with our art project making. The more the merrier!

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