
School Enrollment Preparation

(This photo was taken last year as we started to prepare for Milzon's upcoming School day)

We only have few weeks left to prepare for Milzon and Mirasol's upcoing School enrollment and i have to work hard this time since i will be needing more funds for this. Well, Milzon will turn Grade 2 this year while Mirasol will be on her second year in High School. Yikes! Time really run out so fast, don't you think? I started to feel so old already! It seems that it was just yesterday when Milzon and Mirasol were playing together and I remember sometimes they used to quarrel because of their toys and now, Mirasol is acting more mature. Sobs!
Well i think i just have to accept the fact that i am really not getting any younger.
Anyway, back to the School enrollment preparation, I think i have to get another Pay Day Loan Online for this month to cover the rest of my expenses.
Well aside from their tuition fees, i will be needing more funds too to buy them brand new uniforms and shoes. Not to mention the school supplies that they will need for the upcoming school year.
Well, i do not have the rights to complain now knowing that both of them are doing well on school and that makes me sooooo proud! ^_^
By the way if you are interested to get payday loans, do not hesitate to visit and see how these loans can help you.
Have a great day guys and happy blogging!

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