
Something happened to Snoopy!

Hi guys! Just wanna share you what happened yesterday with our beloved Snoopy. Actually, we were all shocked on what happened to him. Well mom saw him lying on the ground and he was like running out of breath. Good thing one of our neighbors is a professional veterinarian and he was able to provide some immediate medical action to cure Snoopy's condition. According to Doc Emman, Snoopy ate something that he is allergic to. We are so worried on what just happened yesterday and we will try our best to give Snoopy the proper pet care that he deserves.
We , as his owner are responsible for taking care of him. We should feed him well and we should feed him the right foods.

Mom used to give him left over foods and maybe that's the reason behind what happened yesterday. Starting tomorrow, i will give Snoopy nothing but proper dog foods. They are kinda expensive but for the sake of his health and safety, i am willing to cut off my budget and buy him the right feeds.

And since my budget is limited this month and I have to wait for 2 more weeks before the next payday, i think i have no choice but to get another Instant Cash Loan online. I used to apply for this kind of loan every time i am short or if my budget won't allow me to buy the things that i need. And since i really need an instant cash today, i better start filling up the forms and cash the money out in no time to buy Snoopy a good stock of dog foods.
Doc Emman also advised us to take Snoopy to him at least every six months to check his condition. But of course we have to pay for his service haha.

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