
Clean Environment

Our Mom is really strict when it comes to our house. She want our house to be really clean as much as possible. So don't ask me why i am always being scolded since i am really messy in my room. Well, i tried to be as organized as possible but it seems that it is really not my forte so i always ending up having a messy room LOL.
But i really know how it feels if you are in a clean and organized environment. I know how relaxing it is and I know that my mom wanted us to feel that way.
I know that once we talked about clean environment, we usually talks about nature, we are referring to those garbage that has to be cleared away from the rivers and so on and so fort but we have to keep in mind that A clean environment will start from your beloved house. That's right! Before focusing on helping the environment, why don't you start cleaning your house first. How can you clean your own environment if you don't even know how to clean your own house right?
Mom is aware about this that's why we decided to have a general cleaning last Thursday. We checked on some stuffs that we can dispose and things that we can keep and recycle. We also decided to replace the old windows in Mirasol's room. We decided to change the jalousie windows to Sliders which is more durable and more energy-efficient. Good thing we were able to find the right guy who can replace the windows for us. The service is as good as that Windows Portland Replacement Services in Oregon.
As you can see (the photo on the left), we are really satisfied with his work and we might contact him again if ever we want to replace the windows again or maybe we can refer him to our neighbors too who need his service.

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