
Making Naruto Headband

We're down with our fifth Cosplay craft. You can check our previous crafts on our side bar. Today, we're making a craft inspired from one of the most popular anime today, Naruto. Of course, if you want to be like Naruto, then you should have his Headband, symbolizing that you are a part of their team. That's what we're gonna making today.

To start, we simply need a small rectangular piece of cardboard (just right enough for your forehead), a headband (one made out of cloth), 4 single fasteners, white glue

Simply draw the Konoha Symbol
Then after doing the outline using the pencil, start coating the outline with permanent marker
Mix the white glue with water.
Then apply it the the cardboard evenly
This will provide glossy effect to our Konoha sign

Make four small holes on each corner

Then attach the sign board using the single fasteners.

Tadah! Naruto Headband is ready to wear

Show us some pose Milzon

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool, bet his lil friends got envy if he ever bring ths to school!


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