
Milzon's First Drawing Using GIMP Paint Tool

Believe it or not, my desktop wall paper is an art from my little brother. I'm really impressed how creative he is and I'm pretty surprised that he came up with this very amazing drawing.
He used to draw using the Microsoft Paint but when i introduced him GIMP, a software program similar to Adobe Photoshop, he began to explore the software and asked me every details on how to use this and how to use that and so on and so fort.
He's really a fast learner if you asked me and as a matter of fact, he discovered some tools that I'm not really aware of all by himself.
First of all, i would like to clarify that this is not a sponsored post, GIMP is such an amazing software. Well, SAI Paint tool is a nice one but it requires a lot of understandings and you really need the skill so that you can sketch your drawings using only your mouse.
GIMP is a FREE software (you can visit them at their website , just google them)
I will show you more of his drawings using GIMP and SAI Paint tool soon


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