
Upcoming Major Expenses

It's nice to plan things ahead especially when it comes to your expenses. I used to come up with an organizer, listing everything down so that i can manage my budget effectively. Just like this month, I have two major expenses to follow.
The first one is the upcoming birthday celebration of my younger brother. It has been awhile since I treated him so I guess he deserves a bigger celebration this year. However, since I don't think my budget is good enough to shoulder the rest of my expenses, I might consider using some of my savings to about being short. Good thing I was able to save some for these special occasions.
However, on top of this upcoming celebration is my upcoming business plan. I am planning to start my business this month. In fact, I was bale to attend a workshop last Sunday and I am all set to start a business of my own. The business will showcase my crafts using polymer clay. i find it very interesting and I think I will excel here more and I can use my skill here effectively.
My budget, however , might not be enough to shoulder everything so I will definitely go for easy installment loans to make all these plans possible.
After all, I am confident enough that I will easily get the lending company's approval since I do not have any bad credit history since I pay my bills and my debts on time. Though I have heard that there are available credit loans with bad credit history.
Anyway, I'm sure I can manage both of of this major expenses pretty well not unless unexpected expenses will occur. Yikes!

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