
Healthy and Nutritional Meals for your Kids

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Wonder bread for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

We can't deny the fact that kids today are so hooked with junk foods and other products that are rich in preservatives and that is something that my mom would never allow us to get used to. She used to serve us foods that are healthy and nutritional. I learned a lot from her indeed and now that I can handle everything on my own, I make sure to apply all those tips and ideas from her in my everyday life. I don't have my own family yet but I used to spend most of my time with my little brother who just turned 9 last month. It is very impressive to see how he appreciate vegetable meals at his very young age. 

We prefer to home made meals for him rather than allowing him to eat the foods that are being served in their school canteen. It's not that I'm not trusting their foods but it's just too risky for me to trust them completely. I don't have any idea on what exactly they are serving and how healthy would it be for my little brother. On top of that, I don't know how well the school sanitation is. This is the reason why we used to encourage my brother to bring his lunch box with him packed with our home made recipe. 

I am not a great cook and in fact, I'm just starting to learn how to bake some nice pastries. We can't serve veggies or any wet ingredients for him because I'm afraid that it might spoil inside his lunchbox so we we usually ending up with a healthy snack , a sandwich and a nutritional drink. 


Aside from being not time consuming in terms of preparation, these meals will somehow give him enough energy all through out the day. However, if you keep on serving the same meal, the kids will eventually lose their appetite or motivation to eat such dish. In order to make your meals more appealing and exciting for your kids, it is always wise to experiment with your dishes. Look for some new healthy ingredients and add it on your sandwich to make it more inviting. I sometimes go with juicy and meaty patty but i make sure to pair it with something more nutritional like lettuce, pickles or sliced cabbage. PhotobucketPhotobucket

Occasionally, I spend time for him to make my very own quesedillas, a mexican inspired dish. I make my own pizza too with Wonder bread  of course. We grew up with Wonder bread , from wheat breads to buns. Name it! My mom used to serve delightful sandwiches using the tasty Wonder bread. In fact, I went over their official webpage awhile ago and interestingly, I discovered their so-called " The Sandwich Wonder-izer!" which allows the viewers to experiment with Wonder bread. All you need is to customize the bread by adding your preferred spread, condiments, meats, veggies and more. It gives you a chance too to come up with an all new idea and recipe that your kids will surely enjoy. Here, take a look at my finished product!


Basically, i came up with a meaty sandwich and since I haven't tried meatballs for my sandwich yet, i think i'm gonna give it a try next time. 

For the ingredients, you basically need the following:

►A pair slice of Wonder Classic White Sandwich

►Medium meatballs with sauce

►1 inner leaf of Green letuce

►1 thin slice of Cheddar Cheese (or any cheese will do)

►1 tbsp Catsup


What makes Wonder Bread products more ideal is not just the delightful taste but also the nutrients that your kids can acquire. It is a great source of Calcium and other necessary nutrients that your kids need. In addition to that, Wonder Bread has been in the industry for more than 85 years and that's more than 8 decades of giving a satisfying meals. All through out the year, Wonder Bread has come in different packages and varieties that will suit the taste and the needs of their beloved customers. From the classic Wonder White Breads, Wonder Wheat Breads, Wonder White Buns and Wonder Wheat Buns. Name it, Wonder has everything you need. You got SmartWhite for Kids, 100% Whole wheat bread for healthy dieters and also their irresistable flavored bread brands such as Buttermilk and Potato bread.

Wonder Bread are not just for breakfast but it can also be served as a delightful appetizer, desserts and Dinner. Just apply some sort of creativity and imagination, and I'm sure you'll come up with a great Wonder bread recipe.

On top of that, did you know that for every two slices of Wonder Bread, you will gain the respective amount of Calcium that an 8 ounce Milk can provide. I guess that is good enough reason to consider this product on top of your item list right?

For more update, you can follow Wonder Bread on their Official Facebook Page or better yet visit their website and try to make your own customized sandwich too. Feel free to visit their page here.

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