
My Easter Eggs

I was not in the mood yesterday to make Easter Eggs. Well, Mom went to visit our Relatives in the province and she took Milzon and Mirasol with her. So meaning, they left me all alone here. We were supposed to do some Easter Eggs yesterday but since Milzon and Mirasol were not around, i just ended up painting 2 eggs. Sobs.

Oh and guess what, these are empty eggs too. I just don't have the time to leave the house and shop for fresh eggs. The market is quite far from us and i am afraid to leave the house just like that. (another Sobs)

Anyway, what i used here are poster paints. Then I used my mom's Nail Polish for the designs. Nail Polishes already have this glossy effect when they are being applied. Also check how to make Egg Cups to make you Easter eggs more appealing.
Hayst! Hope you all had a Great Easter Sunday yesterday guys.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks like your eggs glow man!!! I reckon 2 eggs is such good effort already!^^


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