
Healthy and Nutritional Meals for your Kids

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Wonder bread for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

We can't deny the fact that kids today are so hooked with junk foods and other products that are rich in preservatives and that is something that my mom would never allow us to get used to. She used to serve us foods that are healthy and nutritional. I learned a lot from her indeed and now that I can handle everything on my own, I make sure to apply all those tips and ideas from her in my everyday life. I don't have my own family yet but I used to spend most of my time with my little brother who just turned 9 last month. It is very impressive to see how he appreciate vegetable meals at his very young age. 

We prefer to home made meals for him rather than allowing him to eat the foods that are being served in their school canteen. It's not that I'm not trusting their foods but it's just too risky for me to trust them completely. I don't have any idea on what exactly they are serving and how healthy would it be for my little brother. On top of that, I don't know how well the school sanitation is. This is the reason why we used to encourage my brother to bring his lunch box with him packed with our home made recipe. 

I am not a great cook and in fact, I'm just starting to learn how to bake some nice pastries. We can't serve veggies or any wet ingredients for him because I'm afraid that it might spoil inside his lunchbox so we we usually ending up with a healthy snack , a sandwich and a nutritional drink. 


Aside from being not time consuming in terms of preparation, these meals will somehow give him enough energy all through out the day. However, if you keep on serving the same meal, the kids will eventually lose their appetite or motivation to eat such dish. In order to make your meals more appealing and exciting for your kids, it is always wise to experiment with your dishes. Look for some new healthy ingredients and add it on your sandwich to make it more inviting. I sometimes go with juicy and meaty patty but i make sure to pair it with something more nutritional like lettuce, pickles or sliced cabbage. PhotobucketPhotobucket

Occasionally, I spend time for him to make my very own quesedillas, a mexican inspired dish. I make my own pizza too with Wonder bread  of course. We grew up with Wonder bread , from wheat breads to buns. Name it! My mom used to serve delightful sandwiches using the tasty Wonder bread. In fact, I went over their official webpage awhile ago and interestingly, I discovered their so-called " The Sandwich Wonder-izer!" which allows the viewers to experiment with Wonder bread. All you need is to customize the bread by adding your preferred spread, condiments, meats, veggies and more. It gives you a chance too to come up with an all new idea and recipe that your kids will surely enjoy. Here, take a look at my finished product!


Basically, i came up with a meaty sandwich and since I haven't tried meatballs for my sandwich yet, i think i'm gonna give it a try next time. 

For the ingredients, you basically need the following:

►A pair slice of Wonder Classic White Sandwich

►Medium meatballs with sauce

►1 inner leaf of Green letuce

►1 thin slice of Cheddar Cheese (or any cheese will do)

►1 tbsp Catsup


What makes Wonder Bread products more ideal is not just the delightful taste but also the nutrients that your kids can acquire. It is a great source of Calcium and other necessary nutrients that your kids need. In addition to that, Wonder Bread has been in the industry for more than 85 years and that's more than 8 decades of giving a satisfying meals. All through out the year, Wonder Bread has come in different packages and varieties that will suit the taste and the needs of their beloved customers. From the classic Wonder White Breads, Wonder Wheat Breads, Wonder White Buns and Wonder Wheat Buns. Name it, Wonder has everything you need. You got SmartWhite for Kids, 100% Whole wheat bread for healthy dieters and also their irresistable flavored bread brands such as Buttermilk and Potato bread.

Wonder Bread are not just for breakfast but it can also be served as a delightful appetizer, desserts and Dinner. Just apply some sort of creativity and imagination, and I'm sure you'll come up with a great Wonder bread recipe.

On top of that, did you know that for every two slices of Wonder Bread, you will gain the respective amount of Calcium that an 8 ounce Milk can provide. I guess that is good enough reason to consider this product on top of your item list right?

For more update, you can follow Wonder Bread on their Official Facebook Page or better yet visit their website and try to make your own customized sandwich too. Feel free to visit their page here.

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Better Luck Next Time

The result of Milzon's examination came to me yesterday and I am quite disappointed with the outcome. I taught my brother everything I know during our own tutorial lessons. In fact, he did great during our review and I am really surprised why he failed 3 of his major subjects. But of course, I don't want to blame him for this because it is not his fault. I know he tried his best to answer all the exam correctly. We still have 3 more grading periods to come and I guess the time that is long enough for us practice. I guess it is more appropriate now to say that it's a "better luck next time" for both of us huh!
Maybe I am not an effective tutor for him that's why i am planning to consider hiring a private tutor for him to teach my brother all the important academic subjects like biology, english and math.
I came across last night and it is very interesting to know that we can now hire personal tutors for our kids online. Internet is indeed a powerful tool and we cannot deny the fact that almost everyone has computers at home. It is very ideal for my little brother to try such a convenient process of tutorial especially if he has an assignment or homeworks to do and if ever I am not around with him, at least, he can always access the website and raise his questions there. I'm sure a friendly and highly approachable tutor will help him. How about you guys? Have you tried online tutorial before? Please let me know and feel free to give any of your suggestions or recommendations and I would really appreciate that.

Upcoming Major Expenses

It's nice to plan things ahead especially when it comes to your expenses. I used to come up with an organizer, listing everything down so that i can manage my budget effectively. Just like this month, I have two major expenses to follow.
The first one is the upcoming birthday celebration of my younger brother. It has been awhile since I treated him so I guess he deserves a bigger celebration this year. However, since I don't think my budget is good enough to shoulder the rest of my expenses, I might consider using some of my savings to about being short. Good thing I was able to save some for these special occasions.
However, on top of this upcoming celebration is my upcoming business plan. I am planning to start my business this month. In fact, I was bale to attend a workshop last Sunday and I am all set to start a business of my own. The business will showcase my crafts using polymer clay. i find it very interesting and I think I will excel here more and I can use my skill here effectively.
My budget, however , might not be enough to shoulder everything so I will definitely go for easy installment loans to make all these plans possible.
After all, I am confident enough that I will easily get the lending company's approval since I do not have any bad credit history since I pay my bills and my debts on time. Though I have heard that there are available credit loans with bad credit history.
Anyway, I'm sure I can manage both of of this major expenses pretty well not unless unexpected expenses will occur. Yikes!

The Impact of K-12 Education Program and Online Tutorials

Milzon is currently in grade 3 and time is really running so fast. It seems that it was just yesterday, when I am playing with y little brother, teaching him his alphabet and some set off words taken from the Dolch word list. It seems that he's going to spend more time in school now since the K-12 Program of the Department of Education has been implemented this year. This K-12 program aims to increase the quality of Education here in our country. The main purpose is to extend an addition two years of study in high school.
The two additional years in senior high are intended to provide students with specialized training in their area of interest, whether they hope to work after high school or pursue their college or vocational training. It is indeed a wonderful development in terms of "education" here in our country and I find it quite an impressive action from the government.
With the modern technology and advancement in each and every field today, I think it is very much appropriate for us to step up a little further.
In addition to this, I'm thinking of taking my brother to some tutorial programs to enhance his skills and knowledge. I was thinking of enrolling him to "Kumon" to learn those advanced Mathematics and reading educational method. I don't know yet if I can convince him though. But if ever I failed to encourage my brother, I might take an online tutor instead. I think he will be much more comfortable with the private tutoring sessions than attending regular tutorials every weekend. I guess that's very ideal for him. After all, what we need is a stable internet connection and we're all set to start!
How about you guys? Will you consider taking your child to an online tutorial sessions? And what is your view upon this K-12 program implemented by the DepEd recently? Feel free to share your thoughts.
By the way, for those who are interested with online private tutoring, you can visit TutorHub at and see how much your kids can benefit from their educational programs.

I'm Back to Online Gaming

You are probably aware how addicted i am in playing different Facebook gaming applications. For some reason, i started to love them again and i find them more addicting than before. I remember that was year 2008 when everyone is so crazy over different Facebook games like Pet Society, Restaurant City, Mafia Wars and more. I can say that i am one of those who became so addicted to such games. However, i started to feel a bit boring as my level goes high. Visiting neighbors, dressing up your pet, completing goals, expanding your business and more! These are the things that i usually do almost everyday and it becomes more as a routine.
And now I'm back to online gaming and I find Tetris Battle very interesting. Aside from the hectic time i have with my job which almost ruined my blogging routine, there’s another procrastinating thing that keeps me away from updating my blogs. Well, you can’t blame me because i just can’t deny that this game is simply so addicting and i guess you guys feel the same way. Tetris is one of the most popular electronic games of all time. In Tetris Battle 2P, you will be opposing another player in a two minute match for the top spot. Just like the typical Tetris game, you have to clear multiple lines, and perform hyper moves and combos to force your opponent to brink. Though the gameplay itself keep on repeating which somehow makes it quite boring. Good thing i found some new entertainment in the nature of online casinos. As you all know, i am a certified game lover so I don't mind spending most of my time playing and dealing with those games. I am more into RPG games actually but i would love to include online casinos in my gaming list since it has different approach than any other games.
My personal favorites would be casino slot and roulette because they usually don't require any skills or extensive knowledge to win the game. Though there are some strategies that you can use to maximize your chances of winning. Though, you have to keep in mind that playing casinos online can be a bit risky too especially if you landed on a wrong site so you better seek some recommendations from your friends or relatives or better yet search the web.

Clip It!!!

I am not a techie guy but I can say that I am a certified Internet Savvy and I used to spend most of  my time browsing the web whether it has something to deal with my work or not . Internet is indeed a powerful tool which can be very useful especially if you need some information that seems nowhere to be found even if you manually search for them in a library . As a freelance web writer, I have to deal mainly on the web , navigate thoroughly or review certain sites to gather factual information for my articles. I do have sources or references of course and I used to visit them not just once but several times a week. This is the reason why i used to bookmark them because Internet is just TOO wide for me to remember all those sites' addresses. Browsers do have their own bookmarking features but of course, there's no assurance that you can save them permanently because you might encounter some serious browser issues in the future (or even software or hardware failures), that will require you to reinstall them in which you will lose everything. Good thing there's clipix, a user-friendly online tool that helps you organized your bookmarks or clippings. It's very convenient to use actually because i just have to "clip" a website and it will be automatically saved in my very own "personalized" clipboards.


It's very easy to sign up and no forms to be filled here, as long as you have either Facebook or Twitter account, then you can start clipping sites right away. It's very ideal for a blogger like me who used to visit several blogs daily. I can clip their sites and access them straight through my Clipboards. What makes it more interesting is your ability to categorize your clippings and share them with your friends through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.


They do have Syncboards too In short, you if you found something interesting, then "Clip it" and share them with your friends just like what Tim and I did yesterday in which we're discussing about this book that is to be released this coming February 28.


I clipped the site immediately to check for some latest updates and reviews from my fellow book lovers. Anyway, i had so much fun using Clipix and I know I will be using it more often from now on.

In Addition to that, Clipix has an iPhone App which makes it possible for you to clip any sites , anytime and anywhere. Oh well, if you're still confused on how Clipix works, then better watch this video below for further clarification LOL.

Interesting right? Well, feel free to sign up and use Clipix and don't forget to share us your experiences of using it! Look, even my younger brother is into Clipix as well and it's not really surprising why he came up with this Anime-filled Clipboard haha.


Clip it!

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Pimp Our Kitchen

I guess we all aim to have a luxurious and elegant looking kitchen. then better choose ether Marble or granite for the finishing. They both have this glossy natural effect which can definitely makes your kitchen more appealing. It is true that both of these finishing material are quite expensive compare to other but the quality and the durability of marble and granite is simply incomparable. My mom used to spend her free time in the kitchen to do some cooking and experiment with her recipes. For someone who spend most of his or her time in the kitchen, i'm sure the first thing that you will renovate if ever you got a chance will be kitchen right? Because my mom is actually eager to give our kitchen a little make over. It has been 6 consecutive years since we last had a major kitchen renovation in our house so i guess our kitchen deserve to have a little make over.
The Use of granite countertops is pretty in demand today most especially in modern houses , buildings and even in luxury hotels. Granite is undeniably one of the best finishing material around. Despite of its expensive pricing, it has proven to be one of the well trusted finishing material. It is high in quality and highly durable as well. Amazingly, granite Burlingame countertops are resistant to scratch and stain compare to marble and other finishing materials like ceramic and quartz. Good thing, i just got my backpay from my previous employer so i think our budget is good enough to shoulder all the expenses.

Unexpected Expenses

This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.

With the increasing unemployment rate all over the world and the increasing rate of bankruptcy of many companies , we cannot deny the fact that we still encountering the so called "global financial crisis". We have to be smart and clever all the time. Spend your money wisely and save some for investments. We can never tell what will happen in our future whether you will remain financially stable or you will encounter any devastating loss of properties in the future. Expect the unexpected and make sure you are prepared for it.
Hospital expenses for example can affect your budget so bad knowing that the prices of those pharmaceutical  products goes higher every month. How if you're budget is quite limited and you do not have enough money to support the rest of your expenses? Who are you going to count on? You can always apply for a loan but you will just drown yourself in too much debts.
I remember when my mom got a 2nd degree burn, we spent half of my monthly budget for the prescription drugs advised by her doctor.
Well, good thing you can now avail the Walgreens Prescription Savings Club which offers a a special discount for Walgreens products.
For $10 a year, a family membership covers everyone in your immediate family, including a spouse, dependents 22 and younger and pets. Individuals may join for $5. Join and receive discount prices on your prescriptions.
Other benefits include:
-Savings on more than 8,000 brand-name and all generic medications
-Discounts on flu shots, pet prescriptions, nebulizers and diabetic supplies
-Bonuses when you purchase Walgreens brand products and photofinishing services
This is very ideal for someone like me who has a very limited monthly budget. This would be a big help indeed and I will be giving all my support to Walgreens for having such a nice benefits for their customers.
You can follow Walgreens on Twitter or like the official page of Walgreens on Facebook

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