
Fun in Paint

Who said Windows Paint is such a boring tool? When i was a kid, i used to create my own game. I was really influenced by video games that time and because of that obsession, i end up creating my own. I used to create my own story line, characters, comics and more. I think i am different from other kids before. I used to isolate myself from them and instead of playing outside, i would rather go inside the house and do my own thing. I love to draw a lot and it's like i am creating my own world through my imagination. I used to play paper games (i'll discuss this soon) and create my own story line out of them. Well, yesterday, i created another fun game using Windows Paint. Milzon is kinda addicted to Flash games which gave me an idea to create a game for him.

The images are not that good since it's really hard to control the paint tool and draw the exact image that you want. We named the game "Castle Battle" since it is a Turn based games where in your goal is to destroy your opponent's base. However the bases that we made are not exactly like castles but the characters are inspired from medieval era.
To start, you just have to open 3 Windows Paint.
For the first Paint, you have to extend your canvass up to 3000 wide. Draw the castles and the battle ground as well.

On the Second Paint, Draw the Characters. Once you're done, you just have to minimize their size to make them more appropriate for the size of the battlefield.

On the third Paint, draw the skills. We created different skills per character here.

Once your done, copy the Characters from the second Paint and paste them in the battle field. if you're going to enlarge the battlefield image, you will notice brown fences at the bottom. This fences indicates the number of steps that your character can execute after throwing the dice.
Yes, you need Dice here. This is the only way that your character can execute their attacks and moves.
We used three dices here and roll them all per turn. Sum up the total numbers and then it is up to you if you are going to use that amount to move or to attack. Let say you got 10 points, if you choose to Move, then you should move the character 10 steps forward; If you choose to Attack then you can use your skill to damage your opponent's life.
In Moving, you just have to select the character using the "Select Tool" and move them according to the points that you get after rolling the dice.
In Attacking your opponent, you just have to open the Third paint and copy the correspondent skills. Paste it on the battlefield (make sure you select Transparent Background) and target your enemy.
Each characters has 50 lifepoints and the Castle has 100 life points. Your goal is to protect your castle and destroy your enemy's base.
I only made 3 set of characters in the game. The Warrior

Used to be the Front liner and the one who execute the attack first. Skill: Energy Blast.
The Healer is the only female character in the group. Her role is to heal either her life or increase her teammates' life point. She can also execute attacks. Here's The Healer using her healing Skill. If you will use her healing skill, you just have to roll 2 dice. The points will indicate the number of life points increased. For the Attack, only one dice should be rolled. SKill: Healing
The Dragon used to be the strongest playable character here. He can execute an attack and damage all the opponents that are covered by his skills.

Here's the Dragon executing his Fireball Skill.

The closer look to one of the base.

Well, that's how my Paint game works. You can try this too. have Fun!

Back from the Province

As you know, my family left me all alone here. Mom and Dad took Milzon and Mirasol with them in our province in Alaminos Panggasinan. Actually it's been a tradition to us to visit our grandparent's house every summer while we're all in vacation. We also grab that opportunity to have fun and to keep our selves away from the city just for a little while. The lifestyle there in the province is so different from the lifestyle that we have here in the city. They used to raise poultry and they have wide fields to plant some veggies which is also the main source of their foods. However, most of the area are not covered by electricity as in no TV and Computers at all. Luckily, my grandparent's place is not included in any of those areas that's why i can still go online whenever i visit them.
Well, this is my first year that i am not with them. I wish i could but i have so many things to do with my job and I have no choice but to stay here.
They will go back here tomorrow so i have to prepare and clean the house before they arrive. The house left uncleaned for almost a week now haha and mom will surely get mad at me if she finds out. If you're here with me, you'll see how dusty our windows are and how messy my room is. I better start cleaning the house before mom turn herself to a dragon and burn me into ashes LOL. Errr, wish i could ask for someone to help me or hire Window Cleaning Portland Services to help me out with the house chores. Yikes.... this is bad... I failed to wash some of my clothes too and the curtains as well... gosh this sounds like an overnight job. Sobs.

Filing Bankruptcy

Well obviously,Bankruptcy is probably the biggest fear of all entrepreneurs and they will do everything just avoid their company from getting into that point. But did you know that when a company files a Bankruptcy report, this will save them from paying their debts? Yes, most companies that are in a verge of falling down, used to file Bankruptcy report to wipe away all their debts easily. This will remove them from the obligation of paying each bills.
I know it's hard to accept that your business turned out not so successful and in this case, if ever you see no hope of putting your business back on tract, it is a wise and practical move to declare Bankruptcy. We commonly see this scenario from some banks and other bigger establishments and i am not so sure if this is also applicable for small businesses but if ever they are eligible to file such report to save them from paying their debts, they can always have Affordable Documents which will help you prepare and provide the needed paperwork for bankruptcy without spending your money to hire an attorney to do it for you.
If you are in Washington and you are now considering yourself to file a bankruptcy for your falling business, then do not hesitate to visit or contact them at (425) 235-4365 and see what else can they do to help you out filing a bankruptcy report.

Life of Being Single

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of luvfree for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Being Single is not bad at all unless you prefer to be on that state for the rest of your life. I am single for almost a year now but i prefer to be on this state for awhile since i am currently focusing now on my career and i am planning to help my family first before thinking of any of my personal matters including me entering a new relationship. Well, it's not because i am not prepared yet to enter another relationship, it's just that i want my next relationship to last longer or to last forever if possible.

I want to find the right one but i don't want to push things fast and desperate as if I am searching for the only girl in this world. I know God is currently writing the best love story for me and i know that he set the right time and the right place for us to meet. Who knows? Maybe I can meet that girl through some online dating sites like Luvfree. As what the site name suggests, it offers 100% free dating services without any hidden charges. You can chat, write blogs. watch video and send messages to each other. Well, i don't mind mingling with other girls online . Besides, what i am targeting right now is to get a friend, someone i can count on whenever i'm down or depressed.  Just like what i said earlier, i don't rush things up and i would rather establish a solid friendship first before going deeper into it. Well i know most of you guys will do the same thing right? Anyway, good luck for all of us! Cheers!

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Easter Crafts

Heyah! Listed below are the crafts we made for our Easter Celebration. Have fun!

Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Bill Organizer

Rabbit Lantern

Egg Cups

Tee Bag

We have 2 more crafts to go before we end this month. All dedicated for our beloved mom in commemoration with the upcoming Mother's Day.

Rococo Fashion Style

Do you know what Rococo is? Have you ever encountered this term? If you are a fashion enthusiasts, then i'm sure you are aware about this era. Rococo actually referred as "Late Baroque" era which occurred in the 17th and 18th Century. Rococo is originated from France. The fashion here is usually characterized by its opulence, royalty, elegance and lightness of the designs. The fabrics were lightweight and the colors are not too brilliant. It is also known for its large and small floral motifs which is definitely ideal for those who are quite conservative and for those who want their dresses to have a feminine touch on it. is an online clothing store that showcase dresses inspired by the Rococo fashion. They are dedicated to bring these French masterpieces back in the the fashion industry again but this time, they are putting a modern touch on it while maintaining the elegance and the classy style on it.
The site is currently having a contest. They are looking for the lucky 1000th member on their site who will get a chance to win fabulous prizes including the LIFELONG FREE SHIPPING and a $500 Cash Prize. They also have referral program that offer cash prizes and Free shipping services too.
So if you are into this kind of fashion style, then better grab this opportunity and Join Now! The Contest will run from April 13 to May 6, 2011. The lucky winners will be announced on May 9. So hurry now and start register an account at Who knows? You might be the lucky one right? Good luck!

Kitchen Remodeling

As you all know, we recently remodeled our kitchen. It was actually my mom who decided to renovate the entire kitchen to make it more appealing and somehow to make it a little wider.
At first, everything was nothing but a big mess and you'll find it very irritating at the beginning but the experience is very rewarding as soon as you see the final result. I think we almost change everything. The Vinyl floor tiles that we had before was changed to Ceramic ones so as the kitchen counter tops. The faucets and other fixtures were changed as well except for our sink. We all decided to keep the Copper Sink since it doesn't look that old so no need for replacement at all. It's true that we used ceramic tiles for our counter tops but it doesn't mean that we have to change the sink into a ceramic basin just to match it up with the style. I guess this is one of the advantages of Copper Sinks because you can easily match them in any styles or designs that you have for your kitchen whether you want it to look contemporary, modern or whatsoever, they will still fit for your kitchen perfectly.
Aside from its versatility, Copper sinks are considered to be the cheaper yet the most durable material that you can found for your kitchen. Now wonder why the material is highly in demand today. They are easy to clean too so no need to exert extra effort just to make it more appealing. It is also known for providing a healthier environment as Copper materials are naturally have anti-bacterial properties that kill unwanted organisms including a bacteria known as E Coli.
Well, if you are planning to renovate your kitchen , then maybe you can consider buying a Copper Sink too.
If you want to know more about Copper Sinks, you may visit Mr Direct's official web page at and see what else the site has to offer.

My Easter Eggs

I was not in the mood yesterday to make Easter Eggs. Well, Mom went to visit our Relatives in the province and she took Milzon and Mirasol with her. So meaning, they left me all alone here. We were supposed to do some Easter Eggs yesterday but since Milzon and Mirasol were not around, i just ended up painting 2 eggs. Sobs.

Oh and guess what, these are empty eggs too. I just don't have the time to leave the house and shop for fresh eggs. The market is quite far from us and i am afraid to leave the house just like that. (another Sobs)

Anyway, what i used here are poster paints. Then I used my mom's Nail Polish for the designs. Nail Polishes already have this glossy effect when they are being applied. Also check how to make Egg Cups to make you Easter eggs more appealing.
Hayst! Hope you all had a Great Easter Sunday yesterday guys.

Being Responsible

If there's one thing in my life that i should be very proud of, well that would be me as a responsible man. Mom taught us how to become a responsible person. I remember when i was a kid, she used to give us our own task or chores everyday. She set us schedule that we have to follow like for example, I am scheduled to clean the garage every Thursdays while my sister is scheduled to wash the dishes every other day.
Taking responsibilities like these teaches us how to become independent especially in my case! I am not getting any younger and i know i will come to a point where i have to be separated from them and have my own family.
Well, right now, since i am the eldest guy in the family other than my father, i am always responsible for those heavy duty tasks like the one i did last week where in i have to climb up to the roof and clean our gutters. It is summer that's why we grabbed that opportunity to clean the roof gutters and take all those dry leaves and branches stocked in the gutters away. I remember we had to rent the ladder to make it possible for me to climb up the roof since non of our neighbors have one. Good thing one of them told us about that shop where we can rent a ladder. It is exactly the same as the Rental Equipment Portland in Oregon.
It's a bit stressing and tiring but have no choice but to do it myself though it is not really a big deal to me since i'm doing it almost every summer so i got used to it somehow.
Have a great day guys and God Bless you all!

Wedding: From the View of a Man!

It is pretty common for a woman to discuss something about her ideal wedding and it pretty normal for her to think of this and that before the actual event is held but believe it or not, men like us is also dreaming to have the best wedding ever in our life. It is a once in a lifetime event so why not make it extra special right? I guess we all want to have that special wedding and it's just so happened that women are more showy about their excitement. It is one of the greatest and biggest event in everyone's life. No wonder why most couple spent much of their money to make their wedding luxurious and remarkable. All wedding should be well planned and every wedding details should undergone a step by step process that is why most couple try to hire a wedding planner to help them all through out their wedding preparation.
Every single details of the wedding is important. From the bride and groom dresses, foods for the wedding reception, guess, entertainment, and also the venue. To be honest, i just want my wedding to be as simple as possible like that Weddings Vancouver WA but if my partner want to make it more festive and special, then i'll go follow her and will try to make our wedding simply unforgettable.
Okay, i know it's too early for me to think about the wedding details but i think this is a great way to prepare myself for it especially now that i am not getting any younger and I know that the time will come and I’ll be married to someone and build my own family.

Egg Cups

Today, we're making Egg Cups out of Egg Carton or trays.

An egg cup, sometimes called egg server, is a container used for serving boiled eggs within their shell.They are usually made of porcelain. This time, we're making an improvised one using egg tray.
Simply cut out those concave egg holders. We need a pair of it for a single Egg Cup.

Cut the excess parts
Paint them. We used quick dry paint for it but Milzon suddenly fell asleep while waiting for the paint to dry so i had to finish the project myself haha.
Just glue them together facing different directions.
Then start adding some details to make it more appealing. I just used Ribbons and sequence beads here.
Tadah! that's it! Our Egg Cups!
Okay let's give it a try!
We'll have more Easter Projects to come this week!

Summer Youth Camp

I am very happy that Pastor Rommel invited me again to attend this year's Youth Summer Camp. I used to be a regular attendee of our church's Youth activities. I actually served them as Youth Ministry leader for 3 consecutive years and then they replaced me after i turned 18 but i'm still an active member of the club and I still lend my time to teach my fellow youth members. The Youth Summer Camp is probably the most exciting event for us because we will have a spiritual retreat where in we traveled far from our place, we stay somewhere out of the civilization so that we can all have that solemn moment that allow us to reflect, pray and meditate. Here, we are not allowed to use any of our gadgets and we will stay there for about 3 days. Last year was very special to all of us because they invited some other pastors to preach us and they also invited some guess like Bro. Jimmy, an ex-drug addict who shared his experience on how drugs controlled his mind and body and how he was able to overcome that nightmare. Our theme last year is more of Drug Addiction. Bro. Jimmy shared everything to us and how he got into that horrible situation. It was actually his friends who encouraged him to try drugs and since he was very problematic that time, he was tempted to try it so that he can at least keep himself away from depression even in just a short period of time. However, he became addicted to it and finds it hard to escape. His family decided to bring him to a rehabilitation center which is almost the same as that Drug Rehab In Florida. They also seek spiritual guidance for him to guide him although out his fast recovery. Most of Florida Drug Rehab Centers are well known for providing high quality treatments for addiction and I believed that these are exactly the same treatments that Bro. Jimmy received from that local rehab center. I really don't know what exactly these treatments are but i have read several testimonials from people who have been in Drug Rehab Florida treatment centers and i can see how much happy and satisfied they are and how much these rehab centers changed their life.
Bro. Jimmy must only be a victim of Drug Addiction but with Proper medication, treatments, family guidance, and the most important of all ~ Prayers, Nothing is impossible. Bro. Jimmy served as our inspiration. We are all sure that it was his faith to God who drives him back to the right path.
This ID holder is one of my souvenirs last year. We are all excited about this upcoming Youth Summer Camp and I wonder what kind of inspiration will Pastor Rommel will share us this year. Have a great day guys and God Bless.

Easter Eggs

Aaahh! So lovely! My Cousin Abel and his friends made such a beautiful collection of Easter Eggs. Yikes! They are so creative to come up with so many designs. They used water color for these crafts and i love the combination they made for these eggs.
Milzon and I should make some too...

I Want a Shih Tzu

I took this photo while i was jogging early morning yesterday. I really want to have a doggie like this. It's hairy and i can comb her everyday. I think this is a Shih Tzu! I had a Shih Tzu before though i failed to take care of her and she passed away too soon. I have learned so much from that incident and i promised myself that it will never happened again. I promised to become a responsible owner to my pet and will do all my best to provide them the best proper care that they really deserved.
If you have or if had a Shih tzu before, I'm sure you know how sensitive they are and how demanding it could be to take care them. They do not like hot temperature and you have to turn the air conditioner on every time just for them. They are very sensitive to high temperatures indeed and they will experience difficulty in breathing once exposed to high temperature so long.
They need to be groomed in a regular basis too. Their fur tends to grow so long and you have to comb, cut or clip their hair to make them feel more comfortable.
You should take them to a well trusted Vet like that Vet Tacoma in Washington. They are known for providing high quality veterinary care with excellent and state of the art facility that each customer will enjoy. You can visit them at and see what else they can offer for your beloved pets.

Easter Egg Bill Organizer

I was talking about Recycled Crafts awhile ago and here we are again for another recycled art crafts. As a part of our Easter theme for this month, we made an Easter-inspired Bills Organizer out of used Styrofoam plates. Hope you have fun!

This is just a quick project, All we need are two Styrofoam plates or paper plates.

Cut the first one into half and shaped it like a cracked egg. Just do some sharp and pointed cuts and that's it.

Now combine the two using a glue.

Paint it using water color or poster paint. I let Milzon paint for this one.

Then we add some details like the synthetic leaves from our old Christmas tree.

There you go, you can now place it on your wall and start putting your bills in.

Eco Friendly Art Crafts

April 22 is 41st World Earth Day and i am planning to join an advocacy campaign that promotes ecological consciousness and environment sensitivity. Yeah! I did that last year and I am doing it again for a cause. My siblings and I used to do co friendly projects and i really insist them that instead of buying art materials on the market, why not we use other materials that we can recycled. You witness almost all our crafts and i know most of you are aware that all our projects are environmental friendly and we tried to make something good from junks. Here let me show you some of them again.

Toy Race Car Made out from used Straw and disposable Cups

Toy Space Ship made from Mini boxes and toilet paper rolls

Toy Robot from all sort of junks

Wind Chime from used perfume bottles and sea shells

Trick or Treat box from a Doughnut box

Recycled Christmas Lantern from old Cds , plastic cups and popsicle sticks

Improvised Maracas from plastic bottles

Toy School Bus from used empty boxes

A Hand Bag from old pants

And a Craft Organizer from used package box.
We will be making more recycled projects in the near future. This is our simple yet very special way of helping the environment and I encourage you guys to try making such projects with your kids too and let them be aware about how to help our environment.
Anyway, the advocacy campaign that i will be joining next week will be more than just making crafts. We will clean the places that are toxicated and polluted and we will try our best to encourage the people to do the same thing too even it's not Earth Day. We will be gathering some funds too to buy some cleaning equipments or if it is not possible for us to buy a brand new, maybe we can borrow or rent it from a Equipment Leasing company. If i am not mistaken, this is exactly the same thing that we did last year so that the rest of the funds that we solicit will be donated to a charity. I will just buzz more about this event guys. Happy Blogging and have a great day!