
March Art Projects Recap

Today, i will recap our projects made this month.
Let's start with the project that was also published at

These are cutey Egg Leprechauns made by me and my siblings. This will be a monthly tradition. We will try to make more egg projects soon.

This is our Leprechaun Hat.

Our Leprechaun Trap to catch Leprechaun and grant our wishes.

This is our Treasure Map. We're done with our treasure hunting and i will share you the photos soon. We really had fun too.
We're ready for our Spring and Easter Related Projects Next month so watch out for it.
have a great day guys and happy blogging.

Promoting a Business Online

Promoting your a business would not be that easy especially if you are a newbie. Competing over bigger brand could be a very big challenge for you. It is really hard to build a name and to attract costumer that easily. We should be very thankful that we have Internet to help us promoting our business. You must be aware that Internet is more than just a tool to gather information and a tool to communicate to others but also extensively used for business purposes now.
We should not underestimate what Internet can do knowing that billions of users around the globe can view your item and it is really an effective way to make your business visible to others worldwide. This is made possible by those free classified ads which will allow you to promote your products and service with no ease.
This is a great opportunity for those newbie entrepreneurs to shine and prove the world what their product can offer. Of course, competitors are always there so it is up to you how creative you are to make your product excel from the others. Make it unique and something special in order to attract many customers and to make your business run effectively and productively.

Our Craft was Featured!

We are so happy that we found a new place to share our Crafts and that is in the nature of I have been an avid reader of and i am so fluttered that they published our Art. We've been doing this art making project for years now and i guess it's about time to showcase it to others.
The craft that was published is our Shamrock Potato Stamp Art. We submitted it to their site but we're not hoping that it will be approved. We're just trying out...and then a day after the submission.... I got a mail stating that our craft is published on their site. That makes my heart jumping.We're planning to submit more art projects soon. Oh they also have this weekly and monthly craft challenge and we're going to participate here soon.. Yipee! You should join us too.

Before Cold Weather Arrives

The Roof is probably one of the most important parts of of a house as it protects as in so many ways. That's why they're saying that if ever there is something to be checked first before a strong weather condition arrives, that would be the roof.
It is a normal scenario for every strong typhoon or hurricane to see a roof sheet being flown by the strong wind. Well, the fact that the roof is being taken away by the strong wind shows how weak roof's foundation is. It is very advisable that the roof should be checked before any strong weather condition arrives. It is not just done as a part of home improvement but also to protect you and your family inside.
Examine the roof if there are loose or missing shingles if ever you are using tiled roofs.
Check for leaks, cracks and other problems too before the cold weather makes them worse. This kind of house chore is obviously for men because of being so risky. Remember that you will be working on top of your roof and you are too far away from the ground. A single wrong move can put you in danger. Safety should always come first so i suggest that you better hire someone, an expert like those Roofers Portland Oregon has. They are trained and they have the right tools to fix your roof in no time.

What's RRR Stands For

You know what RRR Stands for? I have read a column in an auto related magazine long time ago when i encountered this RRR thing and it really makes sense to me. RRR stands for Remove, Repair and Replace. These three are the most common process that a car owner do to fix his car.
In removal, of course, if a spare causing a trouble then you certainly need to remove it and check what's wrong with it right?
After removing then it's time to step up with the next process with is Repairing. Repair and troubleshoot the problem using your tools. But if it is impossible to be repaired, well that's time time that you have to buy a new one for replacement.
You can actually do these three process on your own garage but that is if you have enough technical knowledge to fix it. If not, then better not take the risk and bring your car to a repair shop near you. I suggest that you look for a well trusted shop that provides competent and honest findings and will not charge you inappropriately. Auto Body Repair Portland Shop in Oregon is a good example of a reliable and well trusted repair shop. It has been reviewed positively by many customers and is known for providing high quality of service.
How about you? Are you doing that "Remove, Repair, Replace" processes for your car too?

Egg Leprechauns

This is our last project related to Saint Patrick's Day. We're making Egg Leprechauns. Same procedure with our Santa Elves and Santa Angels.

To start, we need Empty egg shells , gold and green ribbons, green construction paper and googly eyes. Oh and also we need orange yarn.

Cut a small rectangle from the construction paper and make cylinder out of it.

Glue the egg on one mouth of the cylinder.

Cut small strings of yarn and glue them on top of the egg.

Leprechaun is an old elf so add mustache and beard for him.

Trim the excess yarn.

It's time to add the small details. Add the googly eyes

I also made a small leprechaun hat for our Egg Leprechaun. (Check the bigger version of the hat here)

Add the rest of the details and you're done.

Now let's check my siblings' works.

Milzon busy adding details to his Mini Leprechaun.

Mirasol doing her own leprechaun too.

Mirasol's Leprechaun. (see the pot of gold lovely right?)

Milzon's Egg Leprechaun. Milzon did a triangular hat for his Leprechaun

Our Egg Leprechauns

Choosing The Right Lighting Fixtures

Decorating your house may be easy as it sounds but actually it can be one of the hard tasks that you can carry out especially if you do not have enough knowledge in interior designing. They said that each furniture, once you placed them inside your house, they will be a part of your home already. They also said that the design of a house reflects the personality of the owner. Meaning to say, whenever you decide to decorate your house, choosing the right furniture should be considered. Aside from it, you also have to consider the quality of each furniture.
Of course it depends upon the budget as well. Let say for example, you chose to have Natural light over other lighting fixture available on the market because you want to save your money and you are not willing to pay high electric bills. Natural lights refers to the usage of translucent roof that allows the light from the sun to pass through your home. It means you do not have to use electricity at all. But if you look to the other side of it, having natural lightings at home isn't a practical decision at all. just imagine how dark would it be every night and how much mosquito bites you'll get each time you sleep.
Personally, i prefer to have contemporary lighting fixtures at home. I just love how they way the look and how manufacturers put a modern touch on it. Start adding colors to your house by placing these stylish lighting fixtures all over your house. Lighting fixture comes in wide varieties and designs. We already have stylish wall sconce lighting for your bedrooms and vanity lighting for your bathroom. See? Who said lightings can be more exciting like this and who said only furniture can make your house more appealing?

Shamrock Potato Stamp Art

Saint Patrick's Day isn't over yet here in our Blog and in fact, we have 2 more Saint Patrick Day related projects to do. Today, Milzon will show you how to make a simple yet fun Shamrock Potato Stamp Art.

To start we need a potato(uncooked), white bond paper, water color or poster paint and a kitchen knife.

Cut the potato into half. (don't let the kids do this). The bigger the potato the better.

Draw the Shamrock on top of it.

Then start carving.

Now it's your kids' turn.

Spread the water color on the carved part

Then stamp it on the paper.

(milzon busy stamping)

Stamp as many shamrock leaves as you want. You can also use other colors if you wish to.

Tadah! our Shamrock Potato Stamp Art

We Need A Better Workplace

We are in the province today with our grandparents and cousins. Good thing i managed to bring my camera with me which only means one thing, me and my siblings, Mirasol and Milzon can make art projects while we are spending our vacation here. However, we can't find a good working place here since everything is made out of bamboos and woods. Well woods are nice so as the bamboos however we cannot do our painting crafts here since our paints will mark on them and it will be hard for us to remove that stain. Also, we're afraid to leave some unwanted scratches on it.
I wish we could find a better workplace than this like a coffee table made out of marble, granite or something.
Marble is probably the best material for your house whether you use it as an alternative for your typical ceramic or vinyl floor tile or use it as a kitchen counter top. Unlike any other materials marble is highly durable and will not break easily whenever a strong force is being applied.
It is easy to clean and is free from any scratches.
Aside from it's quality, marble can also add more color to your kitchen or living room. It has this glossy effect which makes your house more appealing.
Well right now, we have no choice but to deal with the bamboo table and do our art projects here. We're planning to make Shamrock potato Stamp today so watch out for it.

Leprechaun Trap

According to tradition, leprechauns are sneaky but jolly little creatures that sneak into houses to steal gold! This is the reason why people are making trap. It is said that when you caught Leprechaun, he will surrender to you all his gold from the end of the rainbow. So in celebration of the Saint Patrick's Day, We will make a Leprechaun Trap today.
We Need two empty boxes and colored papers.

Make a door-like hole in the middle of one side of the big box,.

And make a small one on the other side.

Here's how it looks like.

Simply cover the box with green colored paper.

(Inside View)

Get the small box.

Make a small door-like hole on both opposite sides.

Cover the small box with a yellow (or any color you want) and combine it to the big box using glue gun.

To make it more appealing for Leprechaun,We made a Shamrock-designed door.

Here's how it looks like.

Make it more attractive by adding some colorful details like the Rainbow that we attached and the green colored ribbon that we placed in each edges.

Start making the trap. We make use of this Green Disposable cup. We attached it in a string and we put a small hole on the top. We pulled the cup a bit higher so that leprechaun would not notice it >.<

Leprechaun is attracted to gold so we placed some gold coins( they are actually bronze coins ) and then we sprinkle some gold glitters.

We're all set....

We're reasy now to catch Leprechaun... Wish us luck hehe