
Plastic Surgery For Men

Well, Plastic Surgery are mostly for women and we just can't deny that fact and most of the operation are done to improve their physical appearance including the so called breast enlargement, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and more. Well, Rhinoplasty can be done for men but for some rare cases only. However, if there's one procedure that can be very common for men, then that would be no other than the liposuction or tummy tuck procedure simply because men like us tend to have those annoying flabby stomach and if you are aiming to have a perfect body , then that's the first thing that you want to be removed right?
Cosmetic surgery are mostly for women but with the modern advancement done today, plastic surgery for men is not a new thing for us. Everything is possible and everyone is kinda embracing the benefits that they can get from these kind of technology.
Though you have to consider your safety as well. It will be quite risky if you deal with a wrong surgeon so better conduct your own observation first or better yet ask your friends who have tried their service already.
Speaking of reputable center, i guess you should include rodeo drive plastic surgery on your list. They are well known in providing high quality service for their customers. They have modern equipments and state of the art facilities too and you'll be treated like a celebrity.
So if you are looking for a nice surgery center, then plastic surgery rodeo drive might be the answer for you. If you are interested, you can check their web page at and see what else they have to offer for you.

Claymation # 2 : Harry Potter

Have you watched the last Harry Potter film? It was such a great movie and definitely a must see especially for all HP fans like me. Anyway, i am paying tribute to Harry Potter by making this little Clay sculpture of him.

Harry wearing his traditional Hogwarts uniform and his Orange stripe neck tie (he used to wear this this with his Quidditch uniform)

Hope you like it.

Experience the Royalty with Brighton Boutique Hotels

I'm not really into traveling and as far as I remember, the last time i traveled was three years ago. I'm not into traveling indeed but if i will visit a place, the first thing that i am going to consider is the place or hotel that i will be staying at. I'm not really after a very luxurious or five star hotel but if my budget will allow me, why not right?
Of course, your budget plays a vital role in choosing the right hotel for you. You should choose the right type of accommodations that your budget will permit. Well, luckily, Internet made it a lot easier for us because there are so many booking engines online that will give you a chance to compare the rates and deals of different leading hotels.
Well, if you are looking for a nice place to stay, why don't you try one of the well known Brighton Boutique Hotels and witness their state of the art facilities.
Actually, i found some nice shots of the hotel at and I was pretty amazed after seeing their luxuriously looking facilities. It's more like you're staying in a royal palace and is perfect for romantic honey moons.
It must be a great experience if you stay on that place. It feels like you want to stay there for good.
If you guys are interested, you can check and see what else the hotel has to offer for you. Happy trip!

Clayation # 1

Today, will share you one of my clay creation. It's Agnes from the animated film "Despicable Me". Everything is made out of clay and i used needle pins to attach each of her parts (to make it more firm and steady as well).

I used acrylic paint for the eyes.
I wish i can Polymer clay for this but it's quite expensive here hehe. Polymer clay can be hardened by baking them in the oven and then you can have them as keychain or displays.
I have 3 more clay creations to share woohoo

Merlion Soap Sculpture

I'm really disappointed on what happened to my pictures. I decided to reformat my PC however, i failed to save a back up copy of the folder that contains all the pictures of our crafts. I lost them all and the only copies I have are the pictures posted here in my blog. I lost almost all of our new and not yet revealed crafts. Thanks God I manage to keep some of them through those image hosting sites like Photobucket and Imageshack ... sigh

Today, will share you a very exciting craft. I made this Soap sculpture a month ago for my cousin's school art project. The materials to be used here are the following. A block of soap, cutter, and pencil.

I wish i can share the step by step process but my pictures, just like what i've said they were accidentally removed from my hard drive after reformatting.
My cousin asked me if i can carve the Merlion( a popular landmark from Singapore , a half lion half mermaid statue). Just draw the image on top of the soap and start carving carefully. A single mistake will ruin your entire craft so just do it gently.

Here's the finished product!. My very own Merlion Soap Sculpture

Our Cosplay Crafts

The Cosplay theme officially ends today. Thank you guys for all the support and We hope that you enjoyed all our cosplay crafts. For one more time, here are the cosplay crafts that we made.

Listed in order : Cat Ears, Fuko Kirisawa's Fujin, Ben 10 Omnitrix, Long Sword, Dragon Wings, Katana Swords, Naruto Headband, Warrior Head gear.
We do not have specific theme next month and I will give a sneak-peek soon.

The Benefits of Getting An Extended Auto Warranty

Extended Auto Warranty is as important as Auto Insurance. They both help the car owner but in different ways. Auto Insurance can be used to hedge the risk of any devastating loss in case that you're car involved in a traffic collision or any road vehicular accidents. It can be a life time insurance and has a wide variety of coverage.
Auto warranty on the other hand is a policy and a contract between you as the car owner and the auto dealer where you have bought the car. The company will usually provide the buyer of 3 years warranty but if that given amount of time runs out, you can still get the service coverage by applying for the so called "Extended Auto Warranty"
However, just like buying auto insurance, make sure that you buy the best extended auto warranty around. Make sure that it has the best coverage for your car.
We can never tell when an auto repair expense will come up. And the worst,these expenses tend to develop when you least expect them and when you are least able to deal with an auto repair expense. Unfortunately, if the warranty expired, the benefits and the coverages will be lost too, leaving you no choice but to shoulder the expenses alone.
This is the reason why we have to apply for an extended auto warranty before the original warranty runs out.
You can check to see how you can get the best Auto Warranty policies at the best price.

Cat Ears

Here comes the last Cosplay Craft. It's very common in almost all Cosplay especially those Japanese inspired theme. Cat Ears or usually referred as "Nekomimi" is one of the most popular costumes wore by a Cosplayer. Usually wore by girls but boys can have them too.

To make Cat Ears, we need a black colored head band, Glue, Pink Colored paper and cardboard.

Just cut 2 circles on the cardboard.

Just cut a line in the middle of the circle as shown above.

Cut 2 smaller circles on the Pink colored paper and glue them on the bigger ones

Paint the cardboard with white or flesh poster paints

Glue the cut portion as shown above.

Attach them on the headband using glue stick. and you're done

Meow meow

My Diet Plan

They said that the key to a very effective diet is no other than Discipline and that is what i'm lacking right now haha. I just can't stick myself to a specific diet plan. I have tried different diets already but non of them seems to work very effectively on me. Oh well, i'm not that fat but i'm not that fit too that's why i'm taking some desperate measures LOL.
I don't have much time to do regular exercise and there's no place here to jog every morning or perhaps, i'm just so lazy to do them. Discipline is indeed the answer and how i wish i can practice it effectively. I can easily be tempted by those yummy and fattening foods even how much i try to strict myself from eating them. I always end up ruining my entire diet plan, leaving me no choice either to start from scratch or choose another diet plan for me.
I think i gained some pounds lately which made me realized that i should start taking my diet seriously or else I will end up seeing my flabby stomach bouncing up and down every time i move LOL. I might consider taking dietary supplements too but i will ask my friends first because i need doctors recommended weight loss products. With the growing demand of diet pills today, I'm sure many illegitimate companies will take advantage of this and will release products that are not effective and will give nothing but side effects. Buying doctor recommended weight loss pills is really necessary and it's also for your own safety. It's really hard to trust a product unless they are dr approved weight loss pill. These medical experts know what's the best for you and their recommendations are well trusted. Just make sure you ask their advise first before buying any product like diet pills
For the mean time, I'll try to minimize my meals too. I might experience a little hunger but just like what they said, when it comes to diet, when there's no pain, there's no gain!

Random Notes

►As you all know, our Cosplay Craft Theme is about to end this week. We have one more project to share that your kids will surely love. Right now, Milzon and I were busy preparing new set of art crafts. We do not have any specific or particular theme for this month. The picture on the left is just a glimpse of one of our art crafts to be shared on the second quarter of July. Want some hints? Okay here you go, I'll be sharing my first ever soap sculpture, we will make some cool game crafts, I will share some of my clay creation and a whole lot more. I might do a very special handy craft too.
►I just quit my tutorial job few days ago. Sad but i guess this is the best thing to do. I need to focus more on my freelance writing job that's why i have no choice but to give up my tutorial. Well, I didn't give it up completely, I can still teach those kids once in awhile especially if they have exams or heavy assignments. Teaching has always been my passion and if they need my service, I'll be there for them wholeheartedly.
► I know this may sound a little bit off the topic but i really don't mind discussing such matter here on this blog. I just came across one of the page of a health magazine yesterday morning which tackles about contraceptives and Personal lubricants ( ). I know the RH bill is still a hot and undying topic over here and I have mentioned before that I am one of those people who is opposing the said Reproductive Health Bill. I am not in favor for this simply because this bill will somehow make the abortion legal which is a big no no to me! But as for the contraceptive parts, it is definitely a different approach. It is a part of the so called "Family Planning". The use of condoms is not a mandatory thing after all. Limiting the number of kids will be all up to you but of course if you do not want to use contraceptives, please do consider your eligibility to support all your kids. It should also be a mutual decision between you and your partner that's why it is very important that you discuss such matter whether you guys are talking about trojan condoms or that swis navy lubricant being advertised online, you guys should agree to each other. It is not a laughing matter and has to be taken seriously. Aside from the Birth control (for the lack of the better term), these contraceptives promote safer sex too. The increasing case of those HIV or other Sexually Transmitted diseases in the country is somehow very alarming. The use of contraceptives is the key to protect you from any harm.
► This July 28, Our Little Corners will be celebrating its 3rd year Blogoversary. Please watch out for a very special post about our 3rd year anniversary yay!

How To Make Long Sword

This is the second to the last Cosplay Project that we have. This is one of Milzon's most favorite too. We're making Long Sword. The procedure here is almost the same with the Katana Swords.
To start, we need Long flat stick, cardboard, aluminum foil, electrical tape,white glue,colored paper and glue stick.

Draw a huge and long sword pattern on your cardboard. Make it two!

Cut the patterns
Glue them on the flat stick

I prefer Glue Stick to make them more firm and steady.

Now cover the sword with aluminum foil.

Tadah! The aluminum foil will somehow make it a little bit more realistic. You can use silver paint too.

Just add some details on the handle. Cut a pair of circle patterns and glue them on the end of the handle.

Aluminum foil can be very sensitive. It can be tore easily that's why i put electrical tape on all sides.

Almost done....
Add some details...

and strike some pose... hehe
