One of my favorite recipe is the "Fresh Lumpia" . This dish is obviously originated from the Chines Cuisine. The reason why i love it is because it is so healthy knowing that the main ingredients are vegetables. This is typically served as an appetizer but i usually eat it every dinner or lunch as a main course. It is very simple to prepare "Fresh Lumpia". As long as you have all the available ingredients like the veggies. You can use any veggies you want like carrots, lettuce, cabbage, heart of palm tree, yam, tomato, mongo sprouts and more. You need to have crepes too in order to wrap the veggies. You can also add meats like chicken strips, ground beef or pork. For the sauce, just mix corn starch in to a cup of water, add soy sauce, chopped garlic, vinegar and a bit of sugar to make it a bit sweet in taste. So there you have it. You'll have a yummy and great tasting Fresh Lumpia!
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